Shot on Alexa Director: Sam Trusty DOP: Roger Laxon Sound: Callum Bulmer
Clive Owen Champions League Opener
Superhuman - Genius. ITV
For ITV Sport. Director: Joe Gardiner Editor: Trevor Aylward Camera: Roger Laxon Music: MS MR Hurricane
For ITV Sport. C300 mixture 720p 50 and 1080p 25. Director: Joe Gardiner Editor: Trevor Aylward DOP: Roger Laxon Reporter: Lynsey Hipgrave
Bomber Command promo for ITV documentary. Shot on C300.
Shot on the C300 at Roland Garros.
A short film from Kenna Productions and Deadpan Films. Downturn is the story of Steven Mann, a Londoner running late for a job interview. Out of work for months and desperate, he'll do whatever it takes to get there on time.